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The mission of HOPE is a collective one, and we do not necessarily need a “global stage” to give hope to others. Every individual has something to offer (irrespective of age, location, religion, education, race, tribe, or resources). The things we do and the sacrifices we make are for the present generation and for the unborn. This is a legacy we are leaving.
Project HOPE is not out to save the world–Jesus already did that–we are out to serve the world. The difference between ambition and passion is that ambition is concerned with self, while passion is driven by love for mankind. Only passionate people can truly affect their world.
We have realized from our humanitarian work that one of the easiest ways to help others is to work with people who are on the same mission as you. Although, many times folks believe that they ought to establish something new in order to make impact.
As good as that may be, it is not devoid of its own challenges. We believe that once priorities are set; as to who gets the credit for what, as well as an understanding of existing societal realities: pain, hunger, poverty, lack of purpose, child abuse, sexual abuse, violence against women and the less privileged, neglect of the old people in our societies, to mention a few, people will be more willing to throw out differences and cue up to give a helping hand (physically, emotionally, materially, financially, spiritually, and otherwise). The world is suffering and we must rise up to the challenge.
Earth was framed in such a way that people receive what they give out. The nature of your gift to life determines life’s response to you. The law of giving and receiving is an irrevocable law of nature and existence.
God wants to bless and prosper you, so that you can make a difference in your community, make a difference in your world, be a person who doesn’t just meet his own need and pay your own bills. If life was just about paying your bills, what’s the use living?
The greatest impact of life is you being a blessing to your generation–making a difference that cannot be erased or forgotten! This OPPORTUNITY awaits you at Project HOPE.
1. The implication of reaching out to orphans, the homeless, and the abandoned, which is one of the key focusses of Project HOPE is that whether you are still here or gone, goodness, mercy and favour shall not seize to follow your own children and those you care about. So it carries a trans-generational effect. Furthermore, it is one vital mystery that breaks the yoke of barrenness.
2. Project HOPE also focuses on the aged and neglected. Part of our approach is employing every tool available to us in sensitizing people about the inhumane neglect of this group of blessed hearts in this part of the world. We also visit old people’s home to show them love firsthand. With an understanding of the mystery of sowing and reaping we understand that you cannot sincerely bear the burdens of the old and then die young; it doesn’t just add up.
3. Supernatural prosperity! God is looking for vessels this end-time on whose shoulders He will reach out to the world. Even across history, our God has always delighted in bestowing divine privileges on people who has sincere, genuine, and passionate heart for the wellbeing of others.
As a Registered Member of this Global Vision (Project HOPE), we believe you shall help us achieve even more for humanity. We invite you to join us on our MISSION to change the world.